What Is Ergonomics
Ergonomics is the study of people and their working conditions, especially done in order to improve safety and effectiveness
Make your staff feel valued with the knowledge that you have their wellbeing at the forefront of everything you do. A simple definition of ergonomics is “making the workplace fit the person” not “making the person fit the workplace”. Ignoring ergonomics increases the risk of the development of skeletal and muscular issues which can lead to wrist, neck and back pain over a period of time. The result can be low motivation and absence from work. Creating the right working environment for your office based staff is not difficult or expensive and we have a range of solutions to help you set up the perfect ergonomic workstation for the whole team. We can help you to get it right. Talk to a member of our experienced Sales Team for more advice.

of workers suffer from back pain

of workers suffer from fatigue

of workers suffer from headaches
Pressure Zones
Look after your 4 zones and they will look after you
Zone 1
Avoid Wrist Pressure
Typing on a keyboard for hours at a time can cause pain and significant discomfort to your wrists. Relieve pressure on your wrists by making use of a wrist rest for your mouse and keyboard. This will allow your hands to stay in a more neutral position and avoid any tension caused by typing and scrolling.
Zone 2
Avoid Back Tension
Sitting without proper support can lead to back pain or a musculoskeletal injury A good posture is to sit with legs parallel or slightly sloping to the floor, with your lower back and feet fully supported by your chair and the floor. Using a lumbar support or footrest if needed, will help.
Zone 3
Avoid Neck Tension
Leaning forward or tilting your head up or down to see a computer screen can place strain on your neck and back. If the top of your screen is not level with your eyes, your monitor needs to be raised, or lowered so that it is. A monitor support or monitor arm can help you do this.
Zone 4
Reduce Inactivity
Too much time sitting down is bad for health. To combat this, you should leave your desk and walk around every 30 minutes. This also gives you a break from the screen and lowers the risk of eye strain. A sit-stand desk allows you to alternate between sitting and standing which has significant health benefits.
DSE Check For Workstations
Do You Carry Out DSE Checks?

By law, employers must protect staff from the health risks of working with display screen equipment (DSE), such as PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations apply to workers who use DSE daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more. The law applies to employees working in the office and at home. Staff may experience fatigue, eye strain upper limb problems and backache from overuse or improper use of DSE. These problems can also be caused by poorly designed workstations or work environments.